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A Family Day Craft for Future Riggers

A Family Day Craft for Future Riggers 

With Family Day/Heritage Day coming up next week we wanted to feature a fun craft perfect for family time with our next generation of Hercules SLR Rigging Technicians! Turn your old paper towel and toilet paper rolls into your very own crane and trucks to drive around your construction site.

We challenge you to try this craft with your family this upcoming holiday weekend (or anytime!) and send us a photo of the results by email, on Instagram or on Facebook. We trust your crane will be totally up to inspection!

Recycled Crane Construction Site 

Created by Marie-Laure Pham

  • Recycled paper rolls large and small
  • Craft paper colored rolls
  • Colored construction paper
  • Colored tape
  • Compass and scissors
  1. Step 1: Roll and glue your large paper towel roll with colored construction paper. Make crosses over the tube with colored tape. (Tip! Don’t have colored tap? Color your own masking tape for extra customization)
  2. Step 2: Make the top of your crane by drawing and cutting a triangle out of colored construction paper.
  3. Step 3: Make the “hook” by cutting a long rectangle (around 10″ by 1″) and rolling it to make it round and gluing it. Take a piece of embroidery string and make a knot around your loop.
  4. Step 4: Take your finished paper towel roll from step one and make a cut on top across both sides with scissors. Now insert the top of your crane into the cut slot. Glue the end of your string attached to your hook to the end of the crane top.
  5. Step 5: Make the conductor box by cutting a rectangle out of your construction paper. Roll it to make it round and glue it. Add a rectangle, either out of paper or thin cardboard (like a cereal box); glue it to your circle. Draw 2 circles and glue on top and bottom of your shape. Add the box to your crane.
  6. Step 6: Make a truck by taking one small colored craft roll. Make a hole on top. Make similar paper circle shapes as in the crane elements and attach to a piece of embroidery string and then, link the roll to the circle by gluing them together. Roll leftover pieces of paper and insert inside your construction truck circles. Repeat for as many trucks as you want your construction site to have!


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